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Cars and coffee meets @ the workshop - SUNDAY 23rd September 2018!!

Writer's picture: TW-ModeratorTW-Moderator

ive ALWAYS wanted to host my own little mini meets, was thinking about trying one within the coming month with a view of making it a more regular thing from next year.... Would anyone be interested? Im a Detailer based in birmingham right by star city. My studio is a compact 600SqFT so it wouldn't be indoors, but the industrial estate is large enough as you can see above that we could get 25 cars their easily, its a secure gated compound so we can all have a brew, i own a concours winning supercharged z4m thats always around and interesting to behold. Would love to grow abit of a following and of course it would be good for business too. Im the only birmingham based kamikaze certified detailer so would be happy to showcase some products on the day for 10 mins before we mill around just talk cars. I also plan to do my own track days via SDCC (shenstone and district car club) which i have been a member of for over a decade now, so regular members of the meets and select customers can have a hoon at the race track...

would anyone be interested in such a meet?? if so lets make it happen... kinda like our own cars and coffee! im thinking something like 9.30-11.30 every other sunday or once a month in the summer season and maybe beyond to cover the out of season blues if theirs a demand. The first event will be Sunday 23rd September 2018, Sadly i won't be able to facilitate more than 25-30 cars as this is a council owned business centre and they can be a bit funny. The event would need to be respectful with no silly car behaviour, im really looking for a classy, chilled atmosphere where we can all just get together and shoot the breeze, if it gets popular i could get some bacon baps sorted too for a small fee to cover my costs . If anyone wants to get involved or has some ideas, i would love to hear from you  or comment below.  

** CHECK FACEBOOK PAGE THE EVENING BEFORE FOR WEATHER UPDATES INCASE OF CANCELLATION** Also please confirm via email if you wish to attend so i can set up a list

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